Publishing Opportunities


"Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Marketing"

Edited by

Ipek Altinbasak-Farina (Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey) 


Abstracts by November 25th, 2016

Notification on short-listed abstracts by January 20 th, 2017

First draft of chapters by February 24th, 2017

 At the turn of the 21st Century the concept of societal marketing which entails that the marketers should fulfill the needs of their target group in ways that enhance the well-being of a society as a whole, is gaining a lot of importance. In the past social responsibility and corporate ethics may not have been one of the key elements of corporate and business strategy. However, in the last decade the picture has changed dramatically. Consumers are more concerned about ethical issues and the effects of business activities on the environment and the society. The impact and importance of ethical consumerism is escalating. The consumers are more attentive and expect companies promote their ethical credentials in order to make them more accountable of their actions.
To succeed in today’s competitive environment, the companies should realize that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not an illustration of corporate altruism but a source of opportunity, and competitive advantage. They need the same philosophy that guide their businesses while choosing the social responsibility alternatives. Finding and following social initiatives as a part of the key business model is proved to be one of the competitive strengths in many instances.
Today, the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility, and the scope of responsible consumption has broadened so that to include a broader range of social issues. The concept does not only include environmental problems but also covers other social problems, such as child labor and poverty in responsible purchases. According to Peattie and Charter (2003), marketers need to look for the impact of production and consumption in the quality of life and development of a sustainable society. They even go further and state that together with the four traditional “Ps” of marketing, the four “Ss”: customer Satisfaction, product Safety, Social acceptability and Sustainability should be taken into account by the managers.The book intends to cover different issues related to ethics, social responsibility and sustainibility in marketing and aim to present different cases and applications from different countries. Together with the best practices, each case and research is expected to shed light on how to improve the role of marketing in helping to the development and well-being of the society.

 Suggested topics:

*Ethics in marketing

*Ethical consumerism

*Socially responsible consumption

*Green marketing

*Corporate citizenship

*Ecological behavior of consumers

*CSR for competitive advantage

*Consumer responsiveness towards CSR activities

*CSR and corporate reputation

*Corporate sustainabilityTechnology and sustainability

*Sustainable Development in NGOs

*The importance of women in sustainable business development


Publish in Springer Book Series 

Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application

Series Ed.: Caliyurt, Kiymet Tunca

This series acts as a forum for book publications on current research arising from debates about key topics that have emerged from global economic crises during the past several years. The importance of governance and the will to deal with corruption, fraud, and bad practice, are themes featured in volumes published in the series. These topics are not only of concern to businesses and their investors, but also to governments and supranational organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application takes on a distinctive perspective to explore crucial issues that currently have little or no coverage. Thus the series integrates both theoretical developments and practical experiences to feature themes that are topical, or are deemed to become topical within a short time. The series welcomes interdisciplinary research covering the topics of accounting, auditing, governance, and fraud.



Please send chapters for following upcoming books;

Auditing and Fraud Prevention, eds. Pamukcu and Said

Data Analysing,  Information System in Accounting & Auditing, eds. Gal and Citak

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Regulation and Reporting, eds. Gal, Akisik, Wooldridge

Fraud in CSR and Sustainability, eds. Gal, Said, Caliyurt 

"Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Marketing", ed. Altinbasak-Farina

Corporate Govenance and Sustainability in Airlines, eds. Vasigh, Caliyurt

Lean Management and Sustainability in Hospitals, eds, Cetin, Caliyurt

Security Planning in Business and Economy, eds. Murat Yorulmaz
Sustainability & Corporate Governance in Service Sector, eds. Mehmet Erkan & Ercument Okutmus
Tax Avoidance in Europe: Reasons and Solutions, Authors Larissa Batrancea & Kiymet Caliyurt

Bu içerik 24.03.2016 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 1374 kez okundu.